SEO(Search Engine Optimisation) and its importance? Why do you need it?

Creating Opportunity for engagement leading to sale/Conversion

All businesses and individuals need opportunities to thrive – and to get those you need to project yourself out in the open where people can see you.

The more people see you the more likely it is that you will get noticed and be appreciated for your work.

All businesses need opportunities to thrive that is why big companies invest millions of dollars in marketing and sales to put out their services and products in the world. Showcasing how good their product is and the value it brings into your life.

The same is on the internet. Big search engines like google, bing, yahoo and duckgodady etc all have big databases of company websites which appear in search results. These websites are not randomly shown. Each website has a ranking and keywords assigned to it. 

If you have a website it is highly likely that your website is lost down in the search results, appears very late in the results or not at all. To combat this we have all heard that SEO is a complex digital marketing that can bring your website on the top in the search results.

What are the important Aspects of SEO?


Keywords are words & phrases which potentials clients, prospects, and your targeted audience uses to find your website, service or product. Back in the 90s and early 2000s keywords were the only technique used to bring your website appear early in the search results. Many people would use BlackHat techniques where they would use “Keywords stuffing” and bring your website to the top. Gone are the days where you could do that.

Along with keywords many other aspects have become important. Keywords are still crucial and your content should be well researched and sparingly used on your website.

It is very important to research for keywords that are high in search rates and low in competition. You must keep in mind short tail keywords (parrot), Local keywords(African grey parrot in London), and Longtail keywords( Big brown Parrot) before publishing your content on the website.

Keywords should also be included in the Titles, URLs and ALT text of pictures.

There are many tools you can use to decide appropriate keywords for your website. Here are a few:

  • Semrush
  • Soovle
  • Jaaxy
  • Google Search Console
  • SECockpit


Content is basically the text, videos, audios and the pictures you place on the website. This can be in the form of articles, blogs, descriptions. Content provides value to your audience to increase the chances of engagements. It can be in the form of jokes, stories, help guides etc. Basically anything that provides value and encourages visitors to keep on scrolling your website. The following is a list of such items:

  • Podcasts
  • Videos
  • Blogs
  • Articles
  • Whitepapers
  • ebooks
  • Journals

3. OFF PAGE SEO – Link Building

Contrary to popular belief, SEO is not restricted to the website in question. Strong Linkages which act as endorsements are needed for a website to appear close to the top. Websites which already have authority on particular subjects/keywords when link to your website bring great benefit. They lift your website up.

There are many ways of Link Building. Some of them are follows:

  • Guest Blogging
  • Creating Infographics that get shared
  • Publishing Research Articles
  • Influencer Marketing

4. ON PAGE SEO – Loading time, Optimizing images, Layout, Heading Tags, Meta Descriptions & Alt Text

Once you are done with your Off Page SEO it would be a nice idea to focus on the optimization of pages on our website. On Page SEO includes improving loading time.

Loading time can be improved by the following steps:

  • Minifying CSS/ Improved CSS loading
  • Compressing Images
  • Using Next Generation Images
  • Reducing number of DIVs and Sections
  • Inline Font Icons
  • Improved Asset Loading (reduces the amount of code that is loaded on the page by default)

Image Optimization can be performed by using Next Generation Formats like:

  • WEBP
  • JPEG 2000

If you are using WordPress you can easily find many plugins that will allow you to optimize your images even convert all your images in bulk.

Layout includes SEO friendly Paragraphing(para length no more than 2-4 lines), minimal use of DIVS and section for faster loading, Using proper tags for headings (“<h3>“). Using Alt Text for images. ALT Text is the text that appears before loading an image.

Meta Descriptions with proper keywords are also useful as they appear as the description on Google and other search engines revealing what the page is about.


Another technique used by SEO experts is Local SEO where keywords such as names of cities, particular neighborhoods, streets etc. are used. According to an article 60% of searches are mobile based and have a local intent. For example “Best Burger in London” or “Best Doctor Near me”. Stats show that 28% searches will result in conversions for local intent.

The following entails Local SEO:

  • Use of Google maps
  • Use of location Keywords
  • Use of Timings and Locations
  • Creating Doorway Pages

6. SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

Apart from the conventional techniques performed in SEO another area that could benefit/Compliment is SEM. 

SEM is paid marketing for highly targeted audience and specific keywords. It includes the the following scope of area:

  • Native Ads
  • Google Ads
  • PPC Pay per click
  • Google Shopping Ads

SEM can be used in conjunction with SEO to compliment each other. SEM can help get visitors which can actually get more visitors by word of mouth. It is a directly paid strategy. At the end of the day if the profit outweighs the cost of the conversion it is recommended.  Many people believe SEO is unpaid and gets organic visitors which is somewhat true. You do need to hire SEO specialists and pay them and every now and then google changes its algorithms so renewal is often needed.


Why is SEO Important? And why do we need it?

Improving Discoverability

One of many benefits that SEO offers is Improving discoverability which means when people are looking for something relevant to your niche there is a high chance your profile would show up. Visibility goes up as your ranking improves.

You will be quickly spotted If you rank higher on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP) which increases the probability of people looking at your website. The key is to improve your organic traffic.

Experience Matters

Just like you love going to a store because you love their aroma, their ambience, and their customer service, similarly apositive experience on the website will help you retain customers and attract new prospects. If your website has an attractive colour scheme, loads quickly, simple to navigate then there is a high degree of chance people will love it. 

SEO plays an important role in this. Improve your experience.

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About the author


The author has more than 5 years of experience in the IT industry actively working with businesses and professionals to develop innovative methods and platforms for improved trade.

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